Donation Information
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88.8 (1) A contribution shall not be made to or accepted by a person or an individual acting under the person’s direction unless the person is a candidate. 2016, c. 15, s. 51.
Only during election campaign
(2) A contribution shall not be made to or accepted by a candidate or an individual acting under the candidate’s direction outside the candidate’s election campaign period described in section 88.24. 2016, c. 15, s. 51.
Who may contribute
(3) Only the following persons may make contributions:
An individual who is normally resident in Ontario.
Subject to subsection (5), the candidate and his or her spouse. 2016, c. 15, s. 51.
Who cannot contribute
(4) For greater certainty, and without limiting the generality of subsection (3), the following persons and entities shall not make a contribution:
A federal political party registered under the Canada Elections Act (Canada) or any federal constituency association or registered candidate at a federal election endorsed by that party.
A provincial political party, constituency association, registered candidate or leadership contestant registered under the Election Finances Act.
A corporation that carries on business in Ontario.
A trade union that holds bargaining rights for employees in Ontario.
The Crown in right of Canada or Ontario, a municipality or a local board. 2016, c. 15, s. 51.
Non-resident candidate, spouse
(5) If not normally resident in Ontario, a candidate and his or her spouse may make contributions only to the candidate’s election campaign. 2016, c. 15, s. 51.
Who may accept contribution
(6) A contribution may be accepted only by a candidate or an individual acting under the candidate’s direction. 2016, c. 15, s. 51.
(7) A contribution may be accepted only from a person or entity that is entitled to make a contribution. 2016, c. 15, s. 51.
Contributions exceeding $25
(8) A contribution of money that exceeds $25 shall not be contributed in the form of cash and shall be contributed in a manner that associates the contributor’s name and account with the payment or by a money order signed by the contributor. 2016, c. 15, s. 51.
Maximum contributions to candidates
88.9 (1) A contributor shall not make contributions exceeding a total of $1,200 to any one candidate in an election. 2016, c. 15, s. 51; 2017, c. 10, Sched. 4, s. 8 (8).