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The recent crime wave in the Valley needs to stop. I have your backs.

Writer: Scott SeguinScott Seguin

Recently the Valley has become the target of criminals from all over the City of Greater Sudbury.

Unfortunately the community patrol program we used to have in the area has been cancelled for years. Police presence in our area is at a minimum over the past decade.

Almost everyone in the Valley has a shed full of toys and power tools. We trust our neighbors and tend to not lock up.

I hate to say it but we are primed for the picking.

So what is the solution?

The solution is more police presence and we all know that. When the Valley used to have two patrol cars who circled the community daily we didn't have it this bad. When we used to have the white car with the yellow strip heading down our roads, it was a lot better as well. We had the occasional issues however never a spree like this past month.

Currently city councillors are not saying much about this issue that is actually useful.

If I was elected today I would be putting in a motion today at city council requesting the city ask the city of Greater Sudbury Police services to put a patrol car in the area. Offering the pay for this extra service and fund a new citizens on patrol program for the area.

We have over 25,000 residents in this community and police only really come out here when they are on a call. We need a patrol vehicle and constant presence in the Valley. I understand the city of Greater Sudbury Police Services position and they lack funding for this. I do not blame the police service, city council can fix this issue with offering extra funding for specific services. As much as it is not their duty to tell the police what to do, they can make requests and offer the extra funding for these requests. City Council would rather say it's not their job and leave it at that.

This is why we need change, this is why it's time to back a new city council.

In the meantime, if you happen to see me driving out late at night in my black Dodge Journey with on the back, know that I am doing what I can to watch out for my community until you put me in office to make the changes we need. Since current city council and staff will not do what the citizen of this community need and protect us while we sleep, I will take the charge and drive our streets looking out and reporting any criminal activity I see. If anyone would like to join me in this private neighborhood watch, please send me a message so we can coordinate. Let's let the criminals know that the Valley is closed off to their kind.



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