Hello, I am Scott Seguin and I am running to be your next Ward 6 Councillor.
Who am I?
I have been a proud resident of Ward 6 since 2020, however I am born and raised a Valley East resident for 38 years. Prior to 2020 I resided in Capreol, and I lived right in the heart of the Valley until I turned 18. I am very happy to be back were I grew up and belong.
Even though I have only been back in the community for 2 years, I have in that short time already made a positive mark in this community. I have brought back the local Scouting program which at the time of my return had been shut down. Even with covid-19 trying to stop us at every turn, we have made this program such a success I have a waiting list of people wanting to join in September. We currently cater to boys and girls, ages 5-11 and starting in September that will grow to include ages 11-15. We volunteer for this for over 39 local families in the 1stValley BPSA Scouting program and continue to grow.
My family is also the family who puts on the very popular Halloween Haunt on St Mary Blvd. Every year we get bigger and this year will be the same. All proceeds for this massive event are put right back into our community through the local Scouting program. I want to give back to my community, it's how I was raised as a Valley East resident.
Anyone who knows me well can tell you one thing about my character. I am a never give up, never surrender type of person. When relaunching the local Scouting group, during Covid-19, I faced so many obstacles and despite all of those obstacles we have made this a very successful program for our youth.
I run my own business in the Valley which has also faced it's share of obstacles over the years, despite this it is a successful business, which caters to locals technology and telecommunication needs. The majority of my clients will tell you that I have amazing customer service skills and patience. Which are good skills to bring to the political arena.
My family all lives in Valley East, we have been a part of this community for over 60 years. We have watched it grow, and we want to see it grow again.
However since my departure from the Valley and return, I have noticed a shift. A shift that I cannot say I enjoy. The needs of this community are being ignored, the frustration of that has seeped into the vary core of our residents and that is why I have decided to run for local office. Which leads me to...
Why I am running for Office?
I plan to be a voice for local residents with an active and responsive community were you can voice your opinions and I will stand behind the overall views of the community because that is who I am being ask to represent if elected. I did not make this decision lightly, nor was I convinced by my friends and family. I have made this decision because for the past 10 years that I have been back in the area, I have watched on social media how the needs of the community are ignored by current members of city council. Members we put in office to represent us, I plan to end the cycle and stand for the people who put me in office.
I want true democracy and to be a representative of the PEOPLE, for the PEOPLE!!!
What People will say about me!!!
People will tell you that I am a outspoken and tend to not mind my own business, both on social media and in person. I won't deny this, not in the slightest. I am proud of my passion, beliefs and courage. I am proud of the fact that when I am at the park and see a child being mistreated by someone and no other person is there to assist, I will stand up for that child and protect them. I will be the voice of reason in a chaotic situation that requires intervention. I am proud of the fact that I speak my mind and say the things others wish they could without worrying about the negative impact it will have on my reputation. This is a strength, not a weakness, that I will bring with me to city hall when I am standing up for our community. A bulldog is what we need to stand up for our beliefs and our community.
People will tell you that I am also one of the most compassionate people they have ever met. I know that life is hard, because I have lived it. No silver spoon was ever given to these lips and I have worked hard to be the person I am today. So when I see someone, anyone struggling I try to find a way to help them. Empathy is something I have in abundance and I already know where to find a lot of local resources for these people. My compassion will be key to helping to understand the needs of my constituents and standing up for them at city hall.
I am an amazing and loving father. I live by the code of our youth are our future and our legacy. I always put the needs of my children; and often the communities with the programs that I run, ahead of my own. I am also a firm believer that it takes a village to raise a child. I plan to work hard to ensure that this comes with me to city hall. I want to bring back youth initiatives which have disappeared over the years and make this a great community to raise our kids in again.
I am a hard worker. Whether it be for my business, Scouting or a community project I have gotten involved in; I give my all until the job is done. Most will tell you they don't know how I find the time and I laugh and tell them, “I will have plenty of time to sleep when I am dead.” For now I have one life to live and in that life I want to leave behind a legacy which will help mankind and create a better world for our children.
What will I do for you?
First and foremost I will be available and attentive. I will make sure that I am actively listening to the wants and the needs of the community. Through social media I will be active in all groups which currently exist as well this one will remain active specifically for Ward 6. Social media is an important part of being a leader in today's world. It allows leaders to be able to reach out to their constituents and hear problems in real time. No more begging for someone to hear you at city hall.
I believe in the Maley extension which would connect Barrydown to Bodson drive and will work with the Ward 5 and 7 councilors to make this dream a reality.
I want to bring back youth initiatives. During the process of gathering signatures I have spoken to several teenagers in the community at their places of work. There is a common thread with them and that is that there is nothing to do in the Valley for them. When I was a youth we had youth drop in centers which provided a place for youth to go and meet friends, shoot a game of pool, use a computer if they have none at home; they had councilors on site to help youth deal with emotional problem they may be facing at school or home. They offered help with resumes and finding work. They put on events for youth including movie nights and dances. Most importantly they gave our youth a place to go on any night of the week, which kept them from getting into trouble. This is something we need back.
As I know this question will come up as it's the one that has been on my mind the last few elections let me get it out of the way. This city NEEDS a new Entertainment Centre. The downtown arena can be repurposed into something useful for downtown and as such, I am 100% behind the building of the Kingsway Entertainment District. As far as I am concerned it should already be built.
With that said downtown does need help and I plan to support projects that help revitalize the downtown core, such as turning the downtown arena into an emergency shelter with onsite services to help people get off the streets and get their lives back on track. As well as the Junction East Project to help revitalize a once beautiful Downtown core.
Road safety is another one of my high priorities. Children are at risk everyday on our roads. I have several ideas and initiatives to bring to councils attention that will help to reduce the risks to our children.
Road maintenance is a key problem our city faces and I plan to tackle this head on.
Senior advocacy and assistance is also very important to me. Every time I look at my Memere I worry, with the cost of living going up so high. The community needs to do more to help it's seniors.
I believe in attracting new businesses and creating new jobs that grow our economy. I could never see myself trying to stop something that would better the lives of everyone in this city.
I believe in creating new housing projects to try to get this shortage under control and make living affordable once more.
Why should you vote for me?
I have a better question, why shouldn't you?
I have experience sitting on boards of directors and running a business. I am a strong community leader and volunteer. I am very well known and I don't hide who I am, what you see is what you get. I am just a regular average Joe who has worked hard to be the man I am today, and I want to now work for you and our community. If elected I do not work for the city. I work for the people of Ward 6, my fellow Hanmerites and Val Therians (there's a little throwback to before the amalgamation).
My daughter fell once, and she wouldn't stop crying no matter how close I held her. So I looked into her eyes and stole a quote from Mr. Wayne... “Why do we fall, so we can pick ourselves back up.” She immediately stood up and went back to playing. We have fallen, a vote for me will give you a leader with fresh eyes that will pick us back up.
Are you on the Voters list, your VOTE matters!!! https://voterlookup.ca/home.aspx
Did you know that for Sudbury Municipal Elections you can vote from the comfort of your own home on your computer, tablet or phone. Voting opens Oct 14th2022 at 10a.m. and runs until Oct 24th2022 at 8p.m. I will post information about how to vote electronically when it becomes available.
I will also have this group open to posting so I can answer your questions directly and will be hosting events after August 19th2022 where you can meet me. Please follow the group for details.
Vote Scott Seguin, Councillor for Ward 6.
